About Nutrition

Our nutritional staff provides general services in nutrition education and counseling. A supplemental nutrition and education program for women, infants and children (WIC) is available on-site through the Miami-Dade County Health Department.

Mission Statement

The mission of the JTCHS Nutrition Department is to provide high quality nutrition services to the community. Nutrition education, assessments, and counseling services are available by a Nutritionist to people of all ages. The focus of nutrition education is to incorporate and respect individual patients’ needs and beliefs to help improve their diet and promote healthy lifestyles.

Nutrition Services

Nutrition Assessment and Counseling:

Individual appointments are available with a referral from a JTCHS physician or medical provider, to people of all ages for normal or therapeutic diet education. Walk-ins also welcomed!

Food Sampling Demonstration

Various healthy food samples are displayed for our guests to taste in the lobby at the Main Center to promote healthy eating habits. Dates and times will be posted at the clinics and here.

Group Nutrition Education

Provided on an ongoing basis and also available upon request for a variety of nutrition topics by the nutritionist. Topic, dates and times will be posted at the clinics and here.

Lighten-up Program

Lighten Up! is a weight management program that emphasizes Lifestyle modification in a holistic context. The main goal is to increase the availability of an effective, affordable, and practical educational program designed to prevent disease and improve overall health and quality of life. The program will consist of 8 – 12 week sessions. Each session will consist of nutritional, behavioral, medical, and spiritual aspects, congruent with our holistic vision. Treatment will be highly individualized to meet client needs.

Cooking Classes

Will start in October 2010 on the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 11:00am-12:00 noon at the Main Center located at 5361 NW 22 Avenue. For reservation please call 305-637-6400 at Extension 15138 or 15100.

Health Tips

Health Tips 1

Lighten Up! Program

Lighten Up! is a weight management program that emphasizes Lifestyle modification in a holistic context. The main goal is to increase the availability of an effective, affordable, and practical educational program designed to prevent disease and improve overall health and quality of life. The program will consist of 8 – 12 week sessions. Each session will consist of nutritional, behavioral, medical, and spiritual aspects, congruent with our holistic vision. Treatment will be highly individualized to meet client needs.

Four assessments

Risk Assessment (as part of all previous assessments)

Four assessments

One group will be didactic (nutritional and behavioral) Support (“Buddy System”) – Clients will be paired up to develop a supportive network between medical visits and help each other through commonly faced obstacles. We understand overeating happens in isolation and recovery demands a supportive environment.


With certified practitioner

Health & Nutrition Links

United States Department of Agriculture
Nutrition Action
Eat Right – American Dietetic Association
Berkeley Wellness
Tufts University – School of Nutrition Science and Policy
Calorie Control Council
Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences
My Pyramid.gov
Weight Control Information Network

For Children & Youths

UCSD Nutrient Links
Nutrition Explorations
Nutrition Fuel Fitness

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Medline Plus
MayoClinic – Healthy Eating Basics
Midwifery Services of South Texas

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